And we’re back on our jet plane, for a flying visit to Lithuania, a country I previously thought of as next door to Ruritania, for some prog rock, courtesy of The Skys. It’s actually album mumber five for them, with a recording career going back to “Civilized” in 1997.
So they’ve got pedigree and they’ve also got form, if you’re looking for some atmospheric Pink Floyd sounds. It’s stately and melodic, and they’ve even managed to bag Pink Floyd sideman, Snowy White, for some tasty guitar work on ‘Should Stop Now’ and ‘Love Of Life’.
You’ll be glad to know that there is a loose concept running through the album, which deals with escapism, so you can tick that off your prog list. It’s beautifully presented as well, and goes to remind you that you can make a CD an object of desire. It’s one of the better prog albums I’ve heard this year, and should be near the top of any self-respecting progsters buy list.